
"sarcófago" in English

"sarcófago" in English
El sarcófago del cuarto reactor nuclear de Chernóbil podría ser mucho mejor y más eficaz.
The sarcophagus of the Chernobyl 4 nuclear reactor could be much better and more effective.
Sabemos mucho del sarcófago, pero no sabemos todavía qué hacer con él.
We know a lot about the sarcophagus, but we are far from knowing how to deal with it.
Primera pregunta:¿cada cuánto tendremos que añadir nuevas capas al sarcófago de Chernóbil?
First question: how often will it be necessary to keep adding new layers to the Chernobyl sarcophagus?

Synonyms (Spanish) for "sarcófago":
Context examples for "sarcófago" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El nuevo y gigantesco sarcófago es actualmente objeto de numerosas controversias.
The large new shelter is currently the subject of much debate.
El sarcófago de hormigón es inseguro, inestable.
Secondly, the concrete casing of the entombed reactor is unsafe and unstable.
Estoy a favor de terminar por fin el sarcófago y de dar dinero para ello.
I say that we should at long last complete the sealed sacophagus and make money available for that.
En estos momentos el tema a debate es sólo el urgentemente necesario aseguramiento del sarcófago.
At present, then, discussion is limited to the securing of the casing, which is urgently needed.
El sarcófago de hormigón es inseguro, inestable.
Secondly, the concrete casing of the entombed reactor is unsafe and unstable.