
"to saddle with" in Spanish

"to saddle with" in Spanish
to saddle with{transitive verb}
to saddle with{transitive verb}

Similar translations for "to saddle with" in Spanish
Context examples for "to saddle with" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
And to saddle Eurostat with it would be putting the cart before the horse.
Y encargar esto ahora a Eurostat es poner el carro delante de los bueyes.
We cannot allow anyone to saddle us with a diagnosis or talk us into taking a drug.
No podemos permitir que nadie nos endose un diagnóstico ni nos convenza de tomar un medicamento.
Do you want to saddle the Dutch presidency with a major problem like this even before it starts?
¿Acaso se quiere cargar ya a la Presidencia holandesa con un enorme problema?
This Commission wants to saddle us with a non-European country like Turkey.
Esta Comisión quiere integrar a un país no europeo como Turquía.
Major American oil concerns, such as Exxon, Texaco and Chevron have helped Bush into the saddle.
Los grandes consorcios petroleros estadounidenses como Exxon, Texaco y Chevron le han ayudado a llegar al poder.
with a new man in the saddle, things will be very different
las cosas van a cambiar con alguien nuevo al mando
Do not saddle Europe with the responsibility for a social failing that is down to national political debate!
¡No carguemos a Europa con la responsabilidad de un fracaso social provocado por un debate político nacional!
The outside world, too, has an interest in putting governments in the saddle or imposing one new regime or another.
El mundo exterior también tiene interés en colocar nuevos gobiernos o imponer un nuevo régimen u otro.
Blue Velvet has a new rider in the saddle today
Blue Velvet corre hoy con un nuevo jinete en la monta
things are going to change now she's in the saddle
las cosas van a cambiar con ella al mando
Blue Velvet has a new rider in the saddle today
otro jinete monta hoy a Blue Velvet
saddle for tanks cleaning hose
soporte para las magueras de limpieza de tanques
How can we run a competitive European economy when we saddle a major industry with those sorts of compliance costs?
.– Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, Señorías, no cabe duda de que 18 meses es mucho tiempo para debatir un asunto en el Consejo.
Is it really so honest to saddle our children with enormous repayment obligations because we refuse to assume this responsibility?
Porque,¿es justo endosar a nuestros hijos las enormes obligaciones de pago porque nosotros eludimos nuestra responsabilidad?
Is it really so honest to saddle our children with enormous repayment obligations because we refuse to assume this responsibility?
Porque, ¿es justo endosar a nuestros hijos las enormes obligaciones de pago porque nosotros eludimos nuestra responsabilidad?
he swung himself into the saddle
se montó en la silla de un salto
she swung up into the saddle
se montó en la silla de un salto
to saddle oneself with obligations
cargarse de obligaciones
she's back in the saddle now
ha vuelto a tomar las riendas
she's back in the saddle now
ha vuelto a coger las riendas