
"reprensible" in English

"reprensible" in English
Esta no es una táctica nueva, pero no por ello resulta menos furtiva y reprensible.
This is not a new tactic, but it is no less furtive or reprehensible for that.
La conducta del Primer Ministro Brown me parece especialmente reprensible.
The conduct of Gordon Brown is particularly reprehensible.
La trata de seres humanos es un fenómeno reprensible en la sociedad civilizada actual.
Human trafficking is a reprehensible phenomenon in today's civilised society.

Context examples for "reprensible" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Es reprensible que la transición a la nueva base de datos se haya retrasado de nuevo.
The system contains data on missing persons, stolen goods and judicial proceedings.
Ante todo, quiero denunciar algunas voces que asocian sin ninguna distinción «Web» y contenido reprensible.
First of all, I would like to denounce certain voices which seem to assume that 'Web' necessarily means 'bad'.
Ante todo, quiero denunciar algunas voces que asocian sin ninguna distinción« Web» y contenido reprensible.
First of all, I would like to denounce certain voices which seem to assume that 'Web ' necessarily means 'bad '.