
"reductive" in Spanish

"reductive" in Spanish
That would be a totally reductive and vulgar approach, and would in fact be ungenerous to the reputation of Italy.
Ese enfoque sería totalmente reduccionista y vulgar y no sería generoso con la reputación de Italia.

Context examples for "reductive" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
But it would be dangerously reductive to discuss the matter only in terms of the free movement of goods.
No obstante, resultaría peligroso y reductor inscribir este debate únicamente en el tema de la libre circulación de las mercancías.
Making trade the focus of coexistence with other countries is a deeply reductive approach and directing world trade centrally is unacceptable.
Considerar que el comercio debe ser el centro de la vida colectiva es una idea profundamente simplificadora, y no es aceptable centralizar la conducción del comercio mundial.
The National Front, which I am honoured to lead, rejects the federalist excesses of Agenda 2000 which lead to destructive free trade and reductive globalisation.
El Frente Nacional, que tengo el honor de presidir, rechaza las derivas federalistas de la Agenda 2000 que conducen al librecambismo destructor y a la globalización reductora.
An approach to these Agreements which is solely based on cost benefit is reductive, limiting, equivocal; what it is aimed at is ending the so-called international fisheries agreements.
Un planteamiento de estos acuerdos basado únicamente en el binomio costo-beneficio es reductor, limitado, equivocado; al final, pretende tan sólo acabar con dichos acuerdos internacionales de pesca.