
"recolector" in English

"recolector" in English
recolector{adjective masculine}
harvester{noun} (other fruit)
picker{noun} (person)
Sería muy útil comprender, y no quiero que acabemos importando recolectores de tomate en lugar de productos agrícolas y tomates.
It would be very useful to understand, and I do not want us to end up effectively importing tomato pickers, instead of agricultural products and tomatoes.
La mayoría (yo diría que un 95 % de ellos), antes de que los reclutaran las FARC, trabajaban como recolectores de hojas de coca.
The majority - I would say 95% of them - were working as coca leaf pickers just before being recruited by the Farc.
recolector{adjective masculine}
Es evidente que en este debate se enfrentan los productores de aceitunas con los recolectores de ayuda.
It is clear that in this debate the producers of olives are in opposition to the aid collectors.
El mercado ha sido el lugar natural en el que los seres humanos han comerciado desde que superaron la fase de recolectores.
The market has been the natural place for trade between human beings since they moved on from the gatherer stage.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "recolector":
Context examples for "recolector" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señor Presidente, en el barrio de Helsinki en que me crié circula esta semana un camión recolector de residuos.
Mr President, in the part of Helsinki where I grew up, a waste truck is doing the rounds this week.
recolector del exceso de rocío seco
dry type overspray collectors