"rebautizar" in English
"rebautizar" in English
rebautizar(also: cambiar de nombre, renombrar)
Preferiríamos rebautizar los consejos consultivos regionales como consejos regionales de gestión.
We would rename regional advisory councils as regional management councils.
Por último, la idea de que los británicos y los irlandeses tengan que rebautizar su chocolate con leche es ridícula.
Finally, the idea that the British and Irish should have to rename their milk chocolate is ludicrous.
El rebautizado Comité Económico y Financiero debe reequilibrar la balanza adecuadamente.
The renamed Economic and Financial Committee should tilt the balance back to a proper equilibrium.
Context examples for "rebautizar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Preferiríamos rebautizar los consejos consultivos regionales como consejos regionales de gestión.
We would rename regional advisory councils as regional management councils.
Por último, la idea de que los británicos y los irlandeses tengan que rebautizar su chocolate con leche es ridícula.
Finally, the idea that the British and Irish should have to rename their milk chocolate is ludicrous.
Rebautizar el régimen transitorio como un régimen definitivo es inaceptable.
With the current system this is impossible, and it is therefore unacceptable simply to convert the transitional regime into a definitive system.
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