
"reasentar" in English

"reasentar" in English
to relocate{v.t.} (refugees, slum dwellers)
Queremos examinar estrechamente, conjuntamente con los Estados Unidos, lo que podría hacer la Unión Europea para ayudar a reasentar a esas personas en un lugar seguro.
In conjunction with the United States, we wish closely to examine what the European Union could do to help to relocate these people in a safe place.
to resettle{v.t.} (refugees, population)
Hasta la fecha, Francia ha acordado reasentar a casi 100 refugiados en su territorio.
To date, France has agreed to resettle almost 100 refugees on its territory.
Hay otros países como los Estados Unidos que reasientan a miles de refugiados cada año en su territorio.
Other countries such as the US resettle thousands of refugees on their territory every year.
Según ACNUR, el 6,6 % de los iraquíes que viven en Siria, unos 100 000, tienen que ser reasentados.
According to the UNHCR, 6.6% of Iraqis living in Syria, some 100 000, have to be resettled.

Context examples for "reasentar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Hasta la fecha, Francia ha acordado reasentar a casi 100 refugiados en su territorio.
To date, France has agreed to resettle almost 100 refugees on its territory.
Por tanto resulta necesario contar con unas medidas eficaces y urgentes para reasentar a los refugiados y para alojarlos con la dignidad que merecen.
Therefore it is necessary to have effective and urgent measures to resettle refugees and house them in the dignity they deserve.
¿Cómo podemos conseguir un equilibrio adecuado entre garantizar la seguridad de los ciudadanos europeos y encontrar un lugar para reasentar a los antiguos presos?
How do we strike the right balance between ensuring the security of EU citizens and finding a place to settle former inmates?
UU. a reasentar y rehabilitar a los antiguos detenidos en terceros países.
Furthermore, the EU is looking into the possibility of assisting the US with the resettlement and rehabilitation of former detainees in third countries.
Queremos examinar estrechamente, conjuntamente con los Estados Unidos, lo que podría hacer la Unión Europea para ayudar a reasentar a esas personas en un lugar seguro.
In conjunction with the United States, we wish closely to examine what the European Union could do to help to relocate these people in a safe place.
Por encima de todo, creemos que ninguna de estas cuestiones debe impedir que alcancemos nuestro objetivo común: el de reasentar a más refugiados en la Unión Europea.
Above all, we believe that none of these issues must prevent us from achieving our common goal: that of resettling more refugees in the European Union.
La necesidad de reasentar refugiados ha ganado creciente importancia en una Europa que no desea cerrarse al mundo exterior o ser ciega a lo que sucede en él.
The need to resettle refugees has been becoming increasingly important in a Europe that does not wish to be closed off to the outside world or blind to what is going on there.
Dado su comportamiento, más bien insatisfactoria, Europa debe contribuir más al esfuerzo para reasentar refugiados cuya vida corre peligro en los países que los han recibido.
Given its rather poor performance, Europe must contribute more to the effort to resettle refugees whose existence is threatened in the countries that have received them.
La prioridad inmediata, por supuesto, es volver a reasentar a los miles de civiles tamiles atrapados por el conflicto y que están siendo retenidos en muy malas condiciones en campamentos.
The immediate priority, of course, is to resettle those thousands of Tamil civilians caught up in the conflict and now being held in poor conditions in camps.
La Comisión define anualmente las prioridades comunes de la UE en cuanto a personas que reasentar, y esta definición debe ser lo suficientemente flexible para responder a los casos de emergencia.
The Commission defines annually the common EU priorities of persons to be resettled and this definition must be sufficiently flexible to respond to emergency cases.