
"rabiar" in English

"rabiar" in English
to rage[raged · raged] {v.i.} (person)
Y cuando se encuentran con vosotros, afirman: "Creemos [como vosotros]"; pero cuando están a solas se muerden los dedos, de rabia contra vosotros.
But when they meet you they say, "We believe;" and when they go aside they bite their fingertips at you through rage.
La gente siente rabia cuando sabemos que también en Francia hay EEB: 22 casos en lo que va de año.
There is rage when we know that in France there is also BSE - 22 cases so far this year.
Di: "¡Morid de rabia!
Say, "Die in your rage, for Allah does know what is in your heart.

Context examples for "rabiar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
se deleita haciendo rabiar a su hermana
he takes great delight in teasing his sister
los aplaudieron a rabiar
they applauded them wildly
rabiar por algo
to be dying for sth
no lo hagas rabiar
don't tease him