
"presuntamente" in English

"presuntamente" in English
allegedly{adv.} [idiom]
Sabemos, presuntamente, de cuántas se tenía noticia, pero no sabemos cuántas eran completamente desconocidas.
We know – allegedly – how many of them were known about, but we do not know how many were completely unknown.
los guardianes presuntamente implicados en la fuga
the guards allegedly involved in the escape
En todo caso, cuando estuve en Albania, no vi ninguno de los proyecto que presuntamente han sido financiados con este dinero.
At any rate, when I was in Albania I saw nothing of any of the projects that were allegedly being aided with that money.

Context examples for "presuntamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En total han muerto 25 personas presuntamente torturadas durante el arresto.
25 people are alleged to have died after being tortured while in detention.
Dicho material militar debe servir presuntamente para destruir los campos de cultivo de cocaína.
This military equipment is apparently going to be used to destroy cocaine plantations.
No tenemos más competencias para intentar acciones civiles o penales contra personas presuntamente culpables.
Nor do we have any power to bring civil or criminal actions against the presumed culprits.
Hablé con uno de los inmigrantes de Nigeria, un país que presuntamente posee abundantes recursos naturales.
I talked with one of the immigrants from Nigeria, supposedly a country with abundant natural resources.
También percibo que cualquier persona que pasa por un control de seguridad es presuntamente culpable de terrorismo.
I also see the presumption of guilt of terrorism for any person going through a security check.
Sin embargo, las declaraciones de Bolonia y de Praga han proclamado tales métodos que presuntamente son más rápidos.
However, the Bologna and Prague declarations were in favour of these supposedly faster methods.
los guardianes presuntamente implicados en la fuga
the guards allegedly involved in the escape
De un total de 60000 niños que presuntamente aparecen en esas imágenes, solo se han realizado 250 identificaciones.
Out of a suspected 60000 individuals portrayed in current abuse images, only 250 identifications have been recorded.
Si dicha tecnología no entraña presuntamente ningún riesgo, no deja de resultar más que sospechoso que se rechace con tanta vehemencia la responsabilidad civil.
If it supposedly poses no danger, then it is more than suspicious that liability is so vehemently rejected.
¿Se actúa en beneficio de los países que presuntamente se desea ayudar, o en el de la Unión Europea y de sus Estados miembros?
Are we acting in the interests of the countries that we apparently want to help, or in the interests of the European Union and its Member States?
Queremos saber y debemos descubrir quiénes son esas personas, de qué violencia son víctimas y qué delitos presuntamente cometieron.
We want to know and must find out who these people were, of what violence they are the victims and what crimes they are alleged to have committed.
Desde 1992 se presentan reformas de la PAC destinadas, presuntamente, a corregir el desigual apoyo económico a las pequeñas y grandes explotaciones.
There have been CAP reforms since 1992 intended, presumably, to correct the uneven economic support granted to small and large farms.
Por esta razón se intenta disimular veladamente el dinero obtenido por medios delictivos como dinero adquirido presuntamente de manera legal.
That is why they try to disguise the money acquired by criminal means and to pass it off as money which has ostensibly been acquired legally.
Lo que rechazo es el hecho de que esta propuesta de resolución indiferente también provenga de aquellos diputados austríacos que presuntamente están por el bien de Austria.
What I oppose is that this simplistic motion for a resolution is also tabled by those Austrian Members who pretend to support my home country.
Entre otras cosas, actualmente vemos que los Estados miembros hacen considerablemente menos incautaciones de cigarrillos presuntamente ingresados ilegalmente desde Andorra.
We have already noticed that considerably fewer cigarettes are being seized by Member States on suspicion that they have been smuggled from Andorra.
Es necesario realmente que los jefes de Estado y de gobierno presuntamente responsables estén muy alejados de la realidad como para poder imaginarlo un sólo instante.
The Heads of State and Government who are supposed to be responsible must be very far removed from reality to imagine for one instant that this could happen.
Ese deseo se ha traducido en la formulación de bases jurídicas presuntamente equivalentes, a partir de las cuales los Estados miembros podrían resolver las solicitudes de asilo.
This willingness has seen the formulation of supposedly equivalent legal bases of which the Member States may avail themselves to settle asylum applications.
El ataque contra el centro cultural americano de Calcuta, presuntamente por obra de militantes fundamentalistas musulmanes, ha agravado todavía más la situación.
The situation has been made more acute by the attack on the American cultural centre in Calcutta, which is suspected to have been the work of militant Muslim fundamentalists.
Las recomendaciones Goldstone incluyen una propuesta para llevar a cabo investigaciones de delitos presuntamente cometidos por cualquiera de las dos partes en conflicto.
The Goldstone recommendations include a proposal to conduct international investigations of crimes alleged to have been committed by any of the sides in the conflict.
La propuesta de un reparto numérico presuntamente equitativo de los refugiados en toda la UE significaría para éstos una segunda experiencia traumática después del trauma del exilio.
The suggestion of distributing refugees numerically equally throughout the EU means for them, following the shock of expulsion, a second traumatic experience.