
"poet" in Spanish

"poet" in Spanish
Delivered by a statesman, scientist and poet, it was unique.
Pronunciado por un estadista, científico y poeta, no tiene parangón.
A century ago, the Latvian poet Rainis wrote: 'What changes, endures'.
Hace un siglo, el poeta letón Rainis escribió: "Lo que cambia, permanece".
Moreover, as the poet Emerson taught us, there is no such thing as history, only biography.
Además, como el poeta Emerson nos enseñó, no hay historia, solo biografía.

Context examples for "poet" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
how could so gifted a poet stop writing?
¿cómo pudo dejar de escribir un poeta con tanto talento?
Ladies and gentlemen, Commissioner, as the Spanish poet, Antonio Machado, said, ‘ Traveller, there is no path.
El acceso al mercado de productos industriales – NAMA– y los servicios constituyen también asuntos clave en la Ronda.
the book which established his reputation as a poet
el libro que lo dio a conocer como poeta
An American poet, Robert Frost, talking about neighbourhood, said that: 'Good fences make good neighbours
Es preciso apuntar que esta política implica toda una red de vínculos políticos, económicos, científicos y culturales recíprocos.
her marriage to the poet lasted two years
estuvo dos años casada con el poeta
the poet's philosophical preoccupations
la inquietud filosófica del poeta
here lie the remains of the poet
aquí descansan los restos del poeta
a poet born at the turn of the century
un poeta nacido con el siglo
the house where the poet was born
la casa natal del poeta
she is his superior as a poet
es mejor poeta que él
in the words of the poet
como dijo el aedo
The virtue which is in greatest danger, the poet stresses, is not prosperity or health but the dignity of the immigrant and his family.
Este año tenemos razones para ser optimistas porque, por primera vez, la Unión Europea está respondiendo a nuestras repetidas peticiones de medidas.
a poet manqué
un poeta frustrado
– Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, in a verse, the greatest Portuguese poet once described love as ‘ fire that burns without being seen’.
Esto se manifiesta en un gran mar gris, y en un gigantesco manto de humo sigue cubriendo Portugal, en particular las regiones centrales y del norte.
fledgeling poet
novel poeta
fledgling poet
novel poeta
In addition, a poet and a composer in residence will be providing their contributions, and well-known speakers will be coming to talk about the meaning of LEGACY.
En el proyecto participarán también una poetiza y una compositora residente, y conferencistas de renombre que nos hablarán acerca del sentido de LEGADOS.
The great Hungarian poet born a century ago, Attila József, reminds us that we, the European nations, who have fought many wars between ourselves, have a lot of common matters to put in order.
Por ello, sería más apropiado celebrar el final de la guerra aquí, en la capital de la Europa reunificada en lugar que en Moscú.
The Black Madonna of Jasna Góra is the most sacred being apart from God for Polish people, and, in the words of a poet, ‘ even those who believe in nothing believe in her’.
Quiero recordar a esta Cámara que conformidad con el Convenio Europeo para la Protección de los Derechos Humanos y las Libertades Fundamentales, todos tienen derecho a la libertad religiosa.
Something does not fit with this classification, however, because a collector with a databank gets the same right - or better - as a composer, a poet or a visual artist.
Pero algo falla por fuerza en esta sistematización, cuando ésta concede al recopilador de un banco de datos iguales o incluso mayores derechos que a un compositor, un escritor o un artista plástico.