
"pontificate" in Spanish

"pontificate" in Spanish
to pontificate{transitive verb}
was also later clearly reflected in the pontificate of John Paul I and that of
pontificado, sino que se ha reflejado claramente después, desde los primeros
meetings of his Pontificate with the active forces of the organized laity,
primeros encuentros de su pontificado con fuerzas vivas de1 laicado
I must keep all this in mind at the beginning of my pontificate as a reason
Me es necesario tener en la mente todo esto al comienzo de mi pontificado,
Pontificating on instant solutions in advance of an inquiry will not be helpful.
De nada sirve dogmatizar sobre soluciones instantáneas sin realizar antes una investigación.
pontificar {v.i.}
It must be said that it is typical of its grandstanding that the EU now wants to pontificate on the future of Iraq.
Hay que decir que es típico de su presunción que la UE quiera ahora pontificar sobre el futuro de Iraq.
We often pontificate here about being the representatives of the citizens of Europe.
A menudo pontificamos aquí nuestra función de representantes de los ciudadanos de Europa.
From the Vatican, 9 November 1997, the twentieth year of the Pontificate.
Vaticano, 9 de noviembre del año 1997, vigésimo de mi pontificado.

Synonyms (English) for "pontificate":
Context examples for "pontificate" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Pontificate, Your Excellency came with the Mission of your country to manifest
Excelencia con la Misión de su País para hacer patentes en aquella ocasión no
Bishops, whose activity not only gave a new dimension to his pontificate but
Sínodo de los Obispos, cuya actividad no sólo ha dado una nueva dimensión a su
God's grace, I was able to publish at the beginning of my Pontificate: Redemptor
de Encíclicas que, gracias a Dios, he podido publicar al inicio del
We pontificate about what third countries and peripheral states should do all the time.
Todo el tiempo hablamos de lo que los terceros países y los Estados periféricos deberían hacer.
– resounded in Gdansk and, during his pontificate, left an indelible imprint on the hearts and minds of people all over the world.
Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo debemos preocuparnos por preservar e incluso promover la variedad del desarrollo regional.