
"políticamente" in English

"políticamente" in English
Posiblemente saldrá debilitado militarmente, pero fortalecido políticamente.
Possibly it will come out debilitated militarily, but strengthened politically.
Sufren políticamente, sufren económicamente, sufren en su vida cotidiana.
They suffer politically, they suffer economically, they suffer in their daily lives.
Creo que esta guerra es ilegal, inmoral y políticamente contraproducente.
I consider this war to be illegal, immoral and politically counterproductive.

Context examples for "políticamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Políticamente también hay que criticar algunas cosas en la orientación de ASAP.
There are also a few things wrong with the organisation of the ASAP on the policy side.
En este informe se aboga por una composición de la Comisión políticamente equilibrada.
The report also calls for a political balance in the membership of the Commission.
A nosotros nos corresponde evaluar políticamente la política que revela el Presupuesto.
Our task is to make a political assessment of what the budget reveals about policy.
Sólo entonces seremos creíbles políticamente en general hacia el interior y el exterior.
Then we will have real political credibility, both internally and externally.
Únicamente por medio de soluciones legales acordadas políticamente puede garantizarse la paz.
It is only by means of legal, agreed political solutions that peace can be ensured.
Pero no solamente hay perseguidos políticamente que buscan asilo.
However, not all those seeking asylum are the victims of political persecution.
Políticamente, esto equivale a retroceder en el camino avanzado con esfuerzo entonces.
From a political point of view, this amounts to backtracking from that hard won compromise.
Pero en el fondo de la cuestión estamos políticamente alejados.
You have indeed done that, but on this subject we differ greatly in our political views!
Pero no queremos que esta cuestión sea utilizada políticamente contra nosotros de forma injusta.
We do not, however, want this issue to be used against us for political purposes.
Los que no ven esto es porque se han visto cegados y ensordecidos por lo políticamente correcto.
Anyone who cannot see this has been blinded and deafened by political correctness.
Porque soy federalista, deseo a veces, sueño a veces con una Europa integrada políticamente.
A privileged partnership will not encourage Turkey to accept such demands.
A la larga, no sería comprendida políticamente tampoco por nuestras ciudadanas y ciudadanos.
In the long term we would not be able to convey it to our citizens in political terms.
Sin embargo, soy igualmente contrario a que Turquía capitalice políticamente este hecho.
But I am also opposed to the exploitation of this issue for nationalist purposes in Turkey.
Por lo tanto, hemos de pensar políticamente con respecto a ambos Estados.
We must therefore also think of these two states in political terms.
Políticamente, este comercio se puede valorar de modo diferente.
In political terms, there are different ways of evaluating emissions trading.
Como reiteraré dentro de unos momentos, dicho proceso es histórica y políticamente necesario.
As I will say again in a few minute's time, it is a historical and political necessity.
Tenemos que presionar políticamente al régimen golpista por medio de la presión económica.
We must use economic pressure to exert political pressure on the revolutionary government.
Aunque respete la Constitución, políticamente está actuando de un modo que no es aceptable.
Even if he is observing the constitution, in political terms his actions are unacceptable.
Hay que presionar políticamente a los Estados miembros que no desean la competencia.
Political pressure needs to be brought to bear on the Member States which do not want competition.
Este trabajo, repito, no es solo jurídicamente posible, sino políticamente necesario.
I would stress that this undertaking is not only legally possible but also a political necessity.