
"pericial" in English

"pericial" in English
pericial{adjective masculine/feminine}
pericial{adjective masculine/feminine}
Puede que se debiera considerar una mayor asistencia pericial.
Increased expert assistance might be considered.
La Agencia Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria ha presentado un dictamen pericial concluyente; no precisamos más.
The European Food Safety Authority provided a very conclusive expert report; we do not require any further expert reports.
El señor Rømer no mencionó que el informe pericial estuviera disponible.
Mr Rømer made no mention of the availability of the expert report.

Context examples for "pericial" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Los bancos y las empresas capitalistas no se atreven a financiar proyectos de alto valor tecnológico, si no pueden hacer su examen pericial.
Banks and venture capitalists often dare not finance high-tech projects if they fall outside their area of expertise.
No existe absolutamente ninguna prueba, ni pericial ni por antecedentes, que indique que el Sr.
There is absolutely no evidence, forensic or historical, to indicate that Mr Tsiakourmas had or has ever had illegal drugs in his motor vehicle, or in his possession.