
"parasitic" in Spanish

"parasitic" in Spanish
Countries that do not accept responsibility for the climate should not be able to be parasitic upon our earth.
Los países que no asuman su responsabilidad por el clima no deben ser parásitos en nuestro planeta.
One has the sensation of living in a parasitic system, paralyzed in a crisis that is becoming endemic.
Se tiene la sensación de vivir en un sistema parasitario, paralizado en una crisis que se está volviendo endémica.
Malaria is a parasitic disease spread by mosquitoes.
El paludismo es una enfermedad parasitaria transmitida por mosquitos.
As a result, parasitic infection is rife and the third cause of infant deaths is diarrhoeal disease.
Como consecuencia de ello, abundan las infecciones parasitarias y la tercera causa de mortalidad infantil es la diarrea.
Countries that do not accept responsibility for the climate should not be able to be parasitic upon our earth.
Los países que no asuman su responsabilidad por el clima no deben ser parásitos en nuestro planeta.

Synonyms (English) for "parasitic":
Context examples for "parasitic" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
central nervous system parasitic infections
infecciones parasitarias del sistema nervioso central
Parasitic copies’ is therefore the correct wording.
Es decir, que «» es el texto correcto.