
"overambitious" in Spanish

"overambitious" in Spanish
We might now think that target was over-ambitious.
Entre tanto, seguramente también convenga reflexionar si el objetivo no era demasiado ambicioso.
Clearly, both sides are of the opinion that the timetable put forward by the Commission is over-ambitious.
Está claro que las dos instituciones consideran que el calendario que la Comisión propone es demasiado ambicioso.

Context examples for "overambitious" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
As far as the recycling target is concerned, I believe the committee has been somewhat over-ambitious.
Creo que en lo que se refiere a la cuota de reciclado, la Comisión se ha pasado algo.
We might now think that target was over-ambitious.
Entre tanto, seguramente también convenga reflexionar si el objetivo no era demasiado ambicioso.
I do not believe we are being over-ambitious or over-demanding.
No creo que sea exagerado o superambicioso.
The reference to full employment in Amendment 3 is rejected because it is deemed to be over-ambitious.
No aceptamos la referencia al pleno empleo que figura en la enmienda 3 por considerarla excesivamente ambiciosa.
Clearly, both sides are of the opinion that the timetable put forward by the Commission is over-ambitious.
Está claro que las dos instituciones consideran que el calendario que la Comisión propone es demasiado ambicioso.
It is not acceptable to maintain that it was over-ambitious to hope to attain the rates of employment set at Lisbon.
No podemos decir que hemos pecado de ambición por querer llegar a las tasas de actividad que dice Lisboa.
In this report we once again see precisely the kind of over-ambitious objectives which Price Waterhouse criticizes.
En este informe encontramos de nuevo el tipo de grandes objetivos que precisamente son criticados por Price Waterhouse.
In this report we once again see precisely the kind of over-ambitious objectives which Price Waterhouse criticizes.
En este informe encontramos de nuevo el tipo de grandes objetivos que precisamente son criticados por Price Waterhouse .
Perhaps this is because, in some instances, the legislation has been over-ambitious, as well as too vague and diffuse.
Quizás ha sido así porque en algunos casos se ha sido ambicioso y, más que ambicioso, poco concreto, se ha sido difuso.
They are not over-ambitious targets.
No son objetivos excesivamente ambiciosos.
In this respect Parliament is perhaps attempting to achieve rather overambitious objectives too quickly.
Por lo que respecta a este asunto, es posible que los objetivos que el Parlamento pretende alcanzar rápidamente sean demasiado ambiciosos.
I agree with him on most points and support his proposal, although there is one area where he is being over-ambitious in my view.
Estoy de acuerdo con él en la mayoría de los puntos y quiero apoyar sus propuestas. Sin embargo, opino que sus exigencias son demasiado ambiciosas en un aspecto.
The Dutch presidency has never given the impression of wanting to make any over-ambitious changes, but instead seems happy to make more modest collective progress.
La Presidencia neerlandesa nunca ha dado la impresión de querer realizar cambios ambiciosos, aunque sí unos pequeños pasos positivos.
The discussions in Seattle were perhaps more complex than could have been anticipated: they were certainly over-ambitious, and that should have been anticipated.
Las conversaciones de Seattle fueron quizá más complejas de lo que cabría esperar: eran demasiado ambiciosas y eso deberíamos haberlo previsto.
It soon became evident that a significant majority of the Member States considered that the Commission's proposals on quality standards were over-ambitious and that they would be overly expensive.
La Comisión estima que muchos de los cambios introducidos a la posición común mejoran la propuesta inicial de la Comisión.
The European Union, however, has been following an over-ambitious immigration policy for years, to the detriment of the interests of its own citizens.
La Unión Europea, sin embargo, ha estado siguiendo una política de inmigración demasiado ambiciosa durante años, en detrimento de los intereses de sus propios ciudadanos.
The fact that the public accepts such rates and does not just abandon all financial activities in a panic can be explained by overambitious expectations over future gains.
El que el público acepte estos valores y no abandone, presa del pánico, la actividad financiera, se puede explicar por sus expectativas demasiado optimistas sobre los futuros beneficios.
It is clear that an adequate balance has to be struck between realistic and achievable targets and over-ambitious ones that will only diminish the credibility of Community legislation.
Está claro que es preciso encontrar un equilibrio adecuado entre objetivos realistas y viables y objetivos ambiciosos que solo servirán para reducir la credibilidad de la legislación comunitaria.