
"offstage" in Spanish


Synonyms (English) for "offstage":
Context examples for "offstage" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It said that the peace between Ethiopia and Eritrea is holding and then asked the question, 'Is Africa rejoicing offstage while the world worries about Iraq?
Seis meses después de que apareciera ese artículo, el 13 de julio, publicaba otro artículo de opinión sobre África.
It said that the peace between Ethiopia and Eritrea is holding and then asked the question, 'Is Africa rejoicing offstage while the world worries about Iraq?'
Decía que la paz entre Etiopía y Eritrea aguanta y después se preguntaba: «¿Se recupera África entre bastidores mientras el mundo se preocupa por Iraq?»