
"ms." in English

"ms." in English
"ms." in Spanish
MS{noun} (manuscript)
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Ms. Louise St-HILAIRE. Secretaria de Dirección.
Consultant in organizational communications, in charge of volunteers Ms.
Para modificar un objeto de MS Excel, por ejemplo, debe utilizarse el programa Excel.
If you want to edit an MS-Excel object, you have to use Excel.
Ms.{noun} [abbreviation]
Ms.{noun} [abbr.] (woman: marriage status unknown)
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Ms. Louise St-HILAIRE. Secretaria de Dirección.
Consultant in organizational communications, in charge of volunteers Ms.
Para modificar un objeto de MS Excel, por ejemplo, debe utilizarse el programa Excel.
If you want to edit an MS-Excel object, you have to use Excel.
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Consultant in organizational communications, in charge of volunteers Ms.
Ms. Louise St-HILAIRE. Secretaria de Dirección.
If you want to edit an MS-Excel object, you have to use Excel.
Para modificar un objeto de MS Excel, por ejemplo, debe utilizarse el programa Excel.
The report given to us by Ms Ahern is also excellent because it is concise.
El documento presentado por la Sra. Ahern es, además, notable por su concisión.
I would like to pay particular tribute to the rapporteur, Ms Morgantini.
Quisiera rendir homenaje en particular a la ponente, Sra. Morgantini.
Ms Terrón i Cusí suggests that the EIS Convention might be converted into a regulation.
La Sra. Terrón i Cusí sugiere que el Convenio SIE podría convertirse en reglamento.
Ms.{noun} [abbreviation]
Ms.{noun} [abbr.] (estatus marital desconocido)
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Consultant in organizational communications, in charge of volunteers Ms.
Ms. Louise St-HILAIRE. Secretaria de Dirección.
If you want to edit an MS-Excel object, you have to use Excel.
Para modificar un objeto de MS Excel, por ejemplo, debe utilizarse el programa Excel.

Context examples for "ms." in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
siendo cada vez m?s autocr?tica, gracias en parte al denominado terrorismo.
The ?U is becoming more and more autocratic, thanks in part to so-called terrorism.
Imperfecta pero necesaria, se utiliza cada vez ms a menudo como argumento turstico.
Imperfect but necessary, the list has been more and more frequently used as a touristy argument.
Aqu� est� algunas de las m�s importantes substancias de brotes:
Let's list below some of the most important substances found in bean sprout:
Es mucho mejor que lo que sugería el ponente del Grupo PSE, a saber, 0,7 m/s2.
It is far better than what the PSE Group rapporteur suggested in the first place, which was 0.7 m/s2.
Me complace asimismo que hayamos retrocedido al valor límite de 1,15 m/s2 de la posición común.
I am also pleased that we have moved back to the common position limit value of 1.15 m/s2.
La velocidad debe ser de 0,15 m/s, mientras que en el texto inglés consta 0,015 m/s.
The speed should be 0.15 metres per second, whereas in the English text gives it as 0.015 metres per second.
En principio, cuando ms antigua la poblacin, ms tiempo ha tenido para construir su diversidad.
The site still has a complex of original buildings including ranch and bunk houses, barns and corrals.
Y en el informe se propone por ello un valor límite de 0,8 m/s2.
The report therefore proposes a limit value of 0.8 m/s2.
A trav�s de la historia, la ortiga ha siempre figurado como una de las plantas medicinales las m�s preciosas.
Throughout history, nettle has been considered as one of the most valuable medicinal plants.
A su modo de ver, el acceso debera imponer a los turistas un recorrido a pie ms largo y ms gastos.
According to their views, the access should mean a longer route for tourists and an increase in expenses.
Nuestro estudio cl�nico indica que las mujeres reaccionan con m�s de efficacia que los pacientes hombres.
Our clinical study indicates that female patients react in a more effective way than male patients.
Con esta segunda beca, La Fundacin Terra ha asignado ms de 6,6 millones de dlares en un periodo de 10 aos.
With this second grant, the Terra Foundation has committed more than $6.6 million over a 10-year period.
Esperamos obtener ms de 2.000 firmas y presentar la peticin ante el alcalde Landrieu y el Consejo Municipal.
We hope to gather more than 2000 signatures and present the petition to Mayor Landrieu and the City Council.
Ms importante an, tal proteccin ayudar a la economa egipcia en el despertar de la revolucin poltica.
Found in a large villa believed to belong to a wealthy Roman, the exquisitely preserved floor dates to about AD 300.
La columna de humo podra extenderse ms de 600 kilmetros al este de la cuenca del Yellowstone, sugiere el nuevo informe.
The plume may stretch more than 600 kilometers westward of the Yellowstone basin, the new report suggests.
De m�s, tiene una fuerte proporci�n en clorofila, y en fierro, lo que es esencial para la reconstituci�n de los gl�bulos rojos.
It also has a high content of chlorophyll and iron, essential for the red blood cell reconstitution.
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Esperamos obtener ms de 2.000 firmas y presentar la peticin ante el alcalde Landrieu y el Consejo Municipal.
However, it would have been in a prime location overlooking the interior of the henge, to observe activities in the centre of it.
Presidente: Ms.
Time:09:00 - 10:30Site: ?
Presidente: Ms.
Time:14:00 - 15:30Site: ?