
"moralistic" in Spanish

"moralistic" in Spanish
moralista{adj. m/f}
To impose standards on other countries can come across as presumptuous, moralistic or patronising.
La imposición de normas a otros países puede resultar pretenciosa, moralista o puntillosa.
In the face of such injustice, any kind of moralistic argument should be thrown out.
Ante semejante injusticia, hay que rechazar cualquier tipo de argumento moralista.
I am astonished that the right of minorities is being deployed in such moralistic terms.
Me sorprende que, con el argumento del derecho de las minorías, se esté desarrollando un debate tan moralista.
It is also, furthermore, a slightly paternalistic and moralistic attitude, which I reject.
Por lo demás, es una actitud un tanto paternalista y moralizante que rechazo.
If I were somewhat of a moralist, I would even say that you have aligned yourself with the strong rather than with the just.
Si fuera un poco moralista, incluso diría que usted ha apoyado a los fuertes en vez de a los justos.
Clearly, the moralists of cosmopolitan 'right-thinking' have learnt or understood absolutely nothing.
Salta a la vista que los moralistas del «pensamiento correcto» cosmopolita no han aprendido nada.
Clearly, the moralists of cosmopolitan 'right-thinking ' have learnt or understood absolutely nothing.
Salta a la vista que los moralistas del« pensamiento correcto» cosmopolita no han aprendido nada.

Synonyms (English) for "moralist":
Context examples for "moralistic" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The Right has a problem: it is characterised by authoritarianism, a moralistic approach, and neo-liberalism.
La derecha tiene un problema: lo que la caracteriza es el autoritarismo, el moralismo y el neoliberalismo.
The resolution provides a great deal of moralistic and paternalistic advice for the Burundi leadership, the leaders of the factions and its neighbours.
La Resolución prodiga consejos moralizantes y paternalistas a los dirigentes de Burundi, a los líderes de las facciones y a sus vecinos.