
"monolithic" in Spanish

"monolithic" in Spanish
monolítico{adj. m}
However, it is a composite rather than a monolithic model.
Sin embargo, es un modelo compuesto y no monolítico.
The directive is typical of the monolithic actions that they seek to reject.
Esta Directiva es un ejemplo típico de las medidas monolíticas que rechazan.
In the eyes of many people, the EU remains a very obscure and monolithic entity.
Para mucha gente, la UE es una entidad oscura y monolítica.
Twenty years ago, we had an heroic movement of working people in those countries which brought down the Stalinist monolith.
Hace 20 años, hubo un heroico movimiento de la clase trabajadora en aquellos países que derribaron el monolito estalinista.
They know that the EU is just such a monolith.
Y saben que la UE es uno de esos monolitos.
Unfortunately, instead of replacing that monolith by going on to genuine democratic socialism, it was the restoration of capitalism which followed.
Por desgracia, en lugar de sustituir ese monolito por un socialismo democrático genuino, se produjo la restauración del capitalismo.

Synonyms (English) for "monolithic":
Context examples for "monolithic" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
However, it is a composite rather than a monolithic model.
Es un modelo en que la diversidad de experiencias se basa en valores comunes.
The UN should not of course be viewed as a monolithic body.
Evidentemente, no proponemos una visión totalizadora de las Naciones Unidas.
It is disgraceful that a country can institutionalise arbitrary and monolithic power, in flagrant violation of pluralism and civil rights.
Desafortunadamente, los derechos humanos son pisoteados incluso en nuestros países asociados.
In this environment, I consider that the European Union risks not achieving the noble objectives that we all endorse if it follows a monolithic, one-dimensional policy.
En esta situación, considero que la Unión Europea se arriesga a no alcanzar los nobles objetivos que todos apoyamos si sigue una política poco flexible y superficial.
Enlargement will not be able to take place if we do not challenge the monolithic nature of Europe and the bulk of the acquis communautaire, which is, in fact, still increasing every day.
La ampliación no podrá hacerse si no se pone en tela de juicio el monolitismo europeo y el volumen del acervo comunitario, un acervo que, por lo demás, progresa día a día.