
"metropolitan" in Spanish

"metropolitan" in Spanish
metropolitano{m} [rel.]
MrBeaupuy referred to it just now, in connection with the role played by metropolitan centres.
El señor Beaupuy acaba de referirse a ello, en relación con el papel que desempeñan los centros metropolitanos.
Metropolitan Museum Launches Connections Series of Online Episodes Featuring Museum Staff.
El Museo Metropolitano acaba de sacar Connections una serie de episodios en línea sobre los trabajadores del museo – Nueva York – NY (EE.UU.)
The key role of urban and metropolitan areas in regional development must be acknowledged.
Se debe reconocer el papel clave de las zonas urbanas y metropolitanas en el desarrollo regional.
Metropolitan Museum Launches Connections Series of Online Episodes Featuring Museum Staff.
El Museo Metropolitano acaba de sacar Connections una serie de episodios en línea sobre los trabajadores del museo – Nueva York – NY (EE.UU.)
The key role of urban and metropolitan areas in regional development must be acknowledged.
Se debe reconocer el papel clave de las zonas urbanas y metropolitanas en el desarrollo regional.
The new regulation also aims to give greater attention to sensitive and metropolitan areas.
En el nuevo reglamento se presta también mayor atención a las regiones sensibles y metropolitanas.

Context examples for "metropolitan" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
collaboration by Bishops, such as the metropolitan structure-not to mention
provincia eclesiástica, por no hablar ya de cada una de las diócesis, pulsasen
He has also designed Peter Grimes at the Metropolitan Opera.
Il a également imaginé la scénographie de Peter Grimes au Metropolitan Opera.
Eisenhower Speech Found - Metropolitan Museum.
Online lecture: Ur of the Chaldees Lecture by Penn Museum.
With regard to the last part of the question: yes, there are metropolitan parks in many major cities of the European Union.
En otras ocasiones también compartiré sus opiniones con las autoridades griegas.
Mr Beaupuy referred to it just now, in connection with the role played by metropolitan centres.
Señor Presidente, la Unión no puede mirar al futuro con optimismo si no tiene una buena política de cohesión.
Dear President of the Republic of Poland, Dear Cardinal Primate, Dear Metropolitan Archbishop of Gdansk,
Señor presidente de la República de Polonia; señor cardenal primado; señor arzobispo metropolita de Gdansk:
Leeds Metropolitan University
Leeds Metropolitan University
In London, the Metropolitan Police admit that most of the organised crime is now run by a variety of ethnic gangs, many of them from EU countries.
Esto no tiene nada que ver con los delincuentes individuales que se han trasladado a Gran Bretaña para ejercer su profesión.
the Metropolitan Police
la policía londinense
Sannas career has been focused in the New York Metropolitan area for the last two decades and his firm is responsible for many new additions.
The conversion of this building into a hotel with conference facilities will finally, after many years, remove an eyesore from the Hoogstraat.
metropolitan area
área metropolitana
Germany Language: English 2008 TORRES MARTÍNEZ, Isabel María (Spain) Send an e-mail MasterThe Tourism Potential of the Ancient Silk Roads Leeds Metropolitan University.
España Idioma: Español 2008 SOLORZANO GIL, Mónica (México) Enviar correo-e DoctoradoRescate y conservación de las estaciones de ferrocarril en Jalisco.
TORRES MARTÍNEZ, Isabel María (Spain) Send an e-mail MasterThe Tourism Potential of the Ancient Silk Roads Leeds Metropolitan University.
SOLORZANO GIL, Mónica (México) Enviar correo-e DoctoradoRescate y conservación de las estaciones de ferrocarril en Jalisco. Reutilización del Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
Mexico Language: Spanish TORRES MARTÍNEZ, Isabel María (Spain) Send an e-mail MasterThe Tourism Potential of the Ancient Silk Roads Leeds Metropolitan University.
México Idioma: Español TORRES MARTÍNEZ, Isabel María (España) Enviar correo-e MasterThe Tourism Potential of the Ancient Silk Roads Leeds Metropolitan University.