
"maza" in English

maza(also: baqueta)
maza(also: macero)
maza(also: marro)
beetle{noun} (hammer)
tenderizer{noun} (instrument)
drop hammer{noun} [construct.]
brake{noun} [tex.]
mallet{noun} [sports] (in polo)
meat tenderizer{noun} [gastro.]

Context examples for "maza" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por consiguiente, esta directiva es como recurrir a una maza para cascar una nuez.
On the contrary, I, like Mr Blokland, have a stack of letters which testify that many do a great deal of good.
Las medidas adoptadas deberán ser proporcionales al nivel de protección elegido; es decir, no recurriremos a una maza para cascar una nuez.
Measures taken must be proportional to the chosen level of protection - that is, we do not use the sledgehammer to crack a nut.
¡Evitemos convertir Europa en una maza que destruya los derechos sociales y democráticos conquistados a lo largo de los últimos decenios!
Let us beware of turning Europe into a weapon that knocks down the social and democratic rights that have been built up over recent decades!
En estos momentos es como coger una maza para romper una serie de nueces muy diferentes, con lo que quiero dar a entender que el éxito sería muy limitado.
At the moment it is like taking a sledgehammer to crack a whole series of very different nuts, with what I would guess would be very limited success.
Henderson y estoy seguro de que podremos avanzar, y me sentaré antes de que usted golpee la maza.
I am content now to rest on the assurances we had from Mr Henderson and I am sure now this will actually lead to progress and I will sit down before you hit the hammer.
Muchas gracias por su intervención, señor Beazley, pero, como puede comprobar, lamentablemente, disponemos sólo de una pequeña maza de madera con la cual no se logra mantener el orden.
Thank you for your speech, Mr Beazley. However, as you see, I am afraid we only have a small wooden hammer with which to keep order and this is not sufficient.