
"to lynch" in Spanish

"to lynch" in Spanish
We are not going to lynch the murderers in Rwanda - we are bringing them to trial!
No linchamos a los asesinos de Ruanda,¡los juzgamos!
We are not going to lynch the murderers in Bosnia - we are bringing them to trial!
No linchamos a los asesinos de Bosnia,¡los juzgamos!
We have heard about attacks on Kurdish institutions and DTP offices, and about enraged nationalists attempting to lynch their Kurdish fellow citizens.
Hemos sabido de atentados contra instituciones kurdas y oficinas del DTP, y de nacionalistas enfurecidos tratando de linchar a sus conciudadanos kurdos.

Context examples for "to lynch" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The riots and lynch mobs were easy to anticipate.
Resultaba fácil prever las revueltas y los linchamientos por las multitudes.
In this way, we can have cases examined thoroughly, without succumbing to the lynch law of the press.
De esta forma los casos pueden ser investigados a fondo sin tener que enfrentarnos al mismo tiempo al juicio de la prensa.
Lynch law is the order of the day.
La ley de Lynch está a la orden del día.
The lynch mob and their extreme right-wing mentors are the mortal enemies not only of the workers, but of society as a whole.
Los racistas y sus inspiradores de extrema derecha son enemigos mortales tanto para los trabajadores como para el resto de la sociedad.
Others took the form of private takeovers, such as the purchase of the investment bank Merrill Lynch by Bank of America.
Otras adquirieron la forma de control privado de empresas, como es el caso de la compra del banco de inversiones Merril Lynch por el Banco de América.
Mr President, in every part of the world we see examples of violence and cruelty by individuals and sometimes appalling scenes of mob violence and lynch rule.
Señor Presidente, en todo el mundo vemos ejemplos de violencia y crueldad por parte de las personas y en ocasiones terribles escenas de violencia colectiva y linchamientos.
If, after Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers and Merril Lynch, this investment bank is also now sinking in the chaos of the financial markets, corrective action should be taken as a matter of urgency.
Si ahora este banco de inversiones se hunde en el caos de los mercados financieros, tras Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers y Merril Lynch, deberán adoptarse medidas correctivas con carácter urgente.