
"Ireland" in Spanish

"Ireland" in Spanish
Ireland{proper noun}
Ireland{proper noun}
The barriers of the past in Ireland will be eroded and a new Ireland will evolve.
Las barreras del pasado en Irlanda se erosionarán y surgirá una nueva Irlanda.
It has been positive for Northern Ireland and has delivered for Northern Ireland.
Ha sido positiva para Irlanda del Norte y ha cumplido con Irlanda del Norte.
Ireland, in particular Ireland South, has a rich cultural and creative history.
Irlanda, en particular el sur de Irlanda, posee una historia de riqueza cultural y creativa.

Context examples for "Ireland" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Mr President, in my constituency in Ireland there is a battle being fought.
. – Señor Presidente, en mi circunscripción irlandesa se está librando una batalla.
This is a further economic burden which the working people of Ireland will not accept.
Ésta es una nueva carga económica que los trabajadores irlandeses no admitirán.
Ireland's presidency will be taking place at a time of deep global insecurity.
La Presidencia irlandesa se desarrollará en un momento de profunda inseguridad mundial.
Because in Ireland there is no regional authority with real decision-making powers.
Todas las decisiones se toman en Dublín en el nivel gubernamental central.
Commissioner, you recently visited Northern Ireland and came to Belfast.
Nuestras reservas con respecto a otras enmiendas se deben a una serie de factores.
Mr President, in my constituency in Ireland there is a battle being fought.
. – Señor Presidente, en mi circunscripción irlandesa se está librando una batalla.
Therefore, people in Ireland should vote 'yes' to this important Treaty.
Por consiguiente, el pueblo irlandés debería votar "sí" a este importante Tratado.
The Irish Government that has just been elected in Ireland has a strong mandate.
El Gobierno irlandés que acaba de ser elegido tiene un firme mandato.
People go to the cinema more often in Ireland than in any other EU country.
Difícilmente se puede exagerar la importancia de una industria audiovisual europea viva.
Second place was won by a project from Ireland and third place by a project from Bulgaria.
El segundo lugar lo obtuvo un proyecto irlandés y el tercero un proyecto de Bulgaria.
. - Ireland's society is ageing at an unprecedented rate.
por escrito. - La sociedad irlandesa está envejeciendo a un ritmo sin precedentes.
The people of Ireland are probably not aware of what they can expect from the EU either.
Los irlandeses probablemente tampoco son conscientes de lo que pueden esperar de la UE.
There is a phrase often used in Northern Ireland politics: ‘ We all jump together’.
Ahora hay otros que se encuentran al borde de ese mismo precipicio.
We hope that they will join Austria, Ireland, Malta and Poland, which have recently acceded.
Esperamos que se unan a Austria, Malta y Polonia, que se han adherido recientemente.
We have Donegal, Sligo, Ireland West Airport Knock, Shannon and Kerry.
Contamos con Donegal, Sligo, Ireland West Airport Knock, Shannon y Kerry.
The Treaty of Lisbon was put before the people in Ireland and it has been rejected.
El Tratado de Lisboa se presentó a los irlandeses y lo rechazaron.
How then is the Council going to attract people from Ireland into these jobs?
¿Cómo va el Consejo a atraer entonces irlandeses a dichos puestos?
In Ireland, suicide is the most common cause of death in 18-24 year olds.
Esas muertes son devastadoras para las familias y desgarradoras para nuestras comunidades.
In that sense, there is no such thing as sovereignty for a small, open economy like Ireland.
En este sentido, una economía pequeña y abierta como la irlandesa carece de soberanía.
Subject: Disparity between the pound sterling and the Republic of Ireland punt
Asunto: Disparidad entre la libra esterlina y la libra irlandesa