
"infiltration" in Spanish

"infiltration" in Spanish
For example, a higher level of cooperation among our secret services and the infiltration of terrorist networks spring to mind.
Pienso en una colaboración más intensa entre nuestros servicios secretos y la infiltración en las redes terroristas.
It is a territory vulnerable to spill-over from these conflict areas and to infiltration by Islamic militants.
Es un territorio vulnerable a la onda expansiva de estas áreas conflictivas y a la infiltración de militantes islamistas.
It is also a region where terrorist infiltration and drug trafficking are intertwined to a truly worrying extent.
Se trata también de una región en la que la infiltración del terrorismo y el tráfico de drogas están entrelazados hasta un punto realmente preocupante.
The filtration camps are camps in which torture, rape and violations are perpetrated: we know that now.
Hoy sabemos que los "campos de filtración" son campos de tortura, donde se cometen violaciones, injurias.
The filtration camps are camps in which torture, rape and violations are perpetrated: we know that now.
Hoy sabemos que los " campos de filtración " son campos de tortura, donde se cometen violaciones, injurias.
glomerular filtration rate
caudal de filtración glomerular

Synonyms (English) for "infiltration":
Context examples for "infiltration" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Due to the way in which drinking water is extracted in some of the Member States, namely via infiltration of surface water, it is extremely important not to introduce an absolute dumping ban.
Espero impacientemente el resultado de la próxima votación, aunque no puedo garantizar que esté satisfecho con la misma.