
"inexcusably" in Spanish

Foreign criticism of the 2003 presidential elections and 2004 local elections, which were deeply flawed, was inexcusably muted.
Las críticas extranjeras a las elecciones presidenciales de 2003 y las elecciones locales de 2004, que estuvieron gravemente viciadas, fueron apagadas de modo inexcusable.

Synonyms (English) for "inexcusably":
Context examples for "inexcusably" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
he was inexcusably absent from lectures
faltó injustificadamente a las clases
In general they are flawed in that they are not sufficiently specific and their implementation has been inexcusably ineffective.
Todos suelen tener la carencia de no ser lo suficientemente específicos y su aplicación es inadmisiblemente ineficaz.
Good intentions, both in the thematic and geographical sense, therefore often remain inexcusably empty, futile gestures.
Es por ello por lo que las buenas intenciones, tanto en el sentido temático como geográfico, con frecuencia siguen siendo gestos vacíos inexcusablemente fútiles.
Foreign criticism of the 2003 presidential elections and 2004 local elections, which were deeply flawed, was inexcusably muted.
Las críticas extranjeras a las elecciones presidenciales de 2003 y las elecciones locales de 2004, que estuvieron gravemente viciadas, fueron apagadas de modo inexcusable.
A law which was drawn up without participation, this absurd law that nobody really wanted to be like this but which has been inexcusably foisted onto everyone.
Un derecho formulado sin participación, ese absurdo de un derecho que nadie ha querido de verdad así, pero que es impuesto a todos irremisiblemente.
Foreign criticism of the 2003 presidential elections and 2004 local elections, which were deeply flawed, was inexcusably muted.
Con la adhesión al Consejo de Europa, Azerbaiyán no solo se ha girado hacia Europa, sino que se ha adherido a los valores de la democracia y los derechos humanos que nos unen a todos aquí.
For example, there is an inexcusably wide difference in standards among the Member States when it comes to surveillance of the Union's external borders.
Por ejemplo, las normas de control de las fronteras exteriores de la Unión Europea presentan una diversidad enorme e inaceptable entre los distintos Estados miembros.