
"incendiadas" in English

"incendiadas" in English
incendiadas{adjective feminine plural}
incendiadas{adjective feminine plural}

Context examples for "incendiadas" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Estas no arden casualmente sino que son incendiadas a propósito.
The jungle does not burn by chance, someone sets it on fire.
Cuatrocientas iglesias y ochenta mezquitas han sido incendiadas.
Four hundred churches and 80 mosques have been burned down.
¿Cuál es la valoración de la Comisión acerca del ritmo de recuperación de las extensiones forestales incendiadas en Grecia?
What is the Commission's view of the rate at which forest destroyed by fire in Greece is restored?
Algunos miembros de su familia han sido torturados o asesinados o han perdido sus casas, incendiadas por las milicias.
Members of his family have been tortured and murdered or have had their houses set on fire by the militias.