
"imaginativo" in English

"imaginativo" in English
imaginativo{adjective masculine}
imaginativo{adjective masculine}
Cuarenta empresas de la Unión Europea participan en ese proyecto muy imaginativo.
Forty companies in the European Union are involved in this very imaginative project.
Eso significa francamente que es poco probable que se destinen fondos para algo más imaginativo.
That frankly means the money is unlikely to be forthcoming for anything more imaginative.
Ahora corresponde a los funcionarios de la Comisión ser más imaginativos.
Now it is the responsibility of Commission officials to be more imaginative.
fanciful{adj.} (imaginative)

Synonyms (Spanish) for "imaginativo":
Context examples for "imaginativo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Es difícil, incluso muy difícil, pero no está prohibido ser imaginativo.
It is difficult, it is even extremely difficult, but we must use our imagination.
Hasta ahora ha tenido una papel bastante desastroso: cobarde, poco imaginativo, contradictorio y profundamente contraproducente.
He has played a quite disastrous role: cowardly, unimaginative, contradictory and deeply counterproductive.
Blak estima que tenía "sex appeal», es evidente que tiene un cerebro más imaginativo que el mío y merece que le felicite por ello.
If Mr Blak thinks that is sex appeal, he has a more inventive mind than I do and I commend him for it.
Blak estima que tenía " sex appeal», es evidente que tiene un cerebro más imaginativo que el mío y merece que le felicite por ello.
If Mr Blak thinks that is sex appeal, he has a more inventive mind than I do and I commend him for it.
Somos políticos que deben allanar el camino para la nueva Europa con un realismo imaginativo, y esto es precisamente por lo que se nos juzgará y se nos respetará.
We are politicians who need to pave the way for the new Europe with visionary realism and that is precisely what we shall be judged on and that is where we shall be vindicated.
Para solucionar esa cuestión espinosa y para evitar que se eche a perder la campaña electoral por egoísmos nacionales, esperamos que usted emplee un poder imaginativo y mucha diplomacia.
We expect considerable powers of imagination and diplomacy from you, in order to resolve this difficult issue and to prevent the election campaign from being poisoned by national selfishness.