
"huérfana" in English

"huérfana" in English
no era en realidad huérfana, como se suele creer
she was not in fact, as popular belief has it, an orphan
Señora Presidenta, hay un proverbio muy conocido que dice:« La victoria tiene mil padres, pero la derrota es huérfana».
Madam President, there is a well-known saying: 'Victory has a thousand fathers, defeat is an orphan '.
Ha dicho que fue una magnífica idea, pero le ha faltado añadir que esa idea no era huérfana, sino que la anterior Presidencia española la inició.
You have said that it was a wonderful idea, but you failed to mention that the idea was not an orphan, but that the last Spanish Presidency started it.

Context examples for "huérfana" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Si no lo conseguimos rápidamente, Europa quedará huérfana de algunos de sus valores esenciales.
Unless we achieve this quickly, some of Europe's fundamental values will disappear for good.
Si no lo conseguimos rápidamente, Europa quedará huérfana de algunos de sus valores esenciales.
Unless we achieve this quickly, some of Europe' s fundamental values will disappear for good.
Sin Malta, la Unión, Europa, siempre quedaría un poco huérfana.
Without Malta, the Union, Europe, would never feel complete.
no era en realidad huérfana, como se suele creer
she was not in fact, as popular belief has it, an orphan
quedó huérfana a los dos años
she was orphaned at the age of two