
"hiperpotencia" in English

"hiperpotencia" in English
Por consiguiente, la hiperpotencia norteamericana no cede en absoluto a sus pretensiones.
The American superpower is giving up none of its claims, especially now it has the Texan, Mr Bush, in office, the man who perpetrated genocide on the children of Iraq.
Porto Alegre ha expresado al fin con energía, este año, una tercera exigencia que si bien se dirige, ante todo, a la hiperpotencia militar, afecta también a la Unión Europea y a sus Estados miembros.
This year, at last, Porto Alegre firmly expressed a third demand which, despite the fact that its primary target is a military superpower, also concerns the European Union and its Member States.

Context examples for "hiperpotencia" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Después, que ninguna nación, aunque sea una hiperpotencia, puede ignorar los desafíos globales a que se enfrenta la comunidad internacional.
Secondly, it is that no nation, even a hyper-power, can ignore the global challenges facing the international community.
– Señor Presidente, señor Presidente en ejercicio del Consejo, señor Presidente de la Comisión, la hiperpotencia norteamericana acaba de obtener una doble victoria.
Mr President, President-in-Office of the Council, President of the Commission, the American hyperpower has just scored a double victory.
– Señor Presidente, señor Presidente en ejercicio del Consejo, señor Presidente de la Comisión, la hiperpotencia norteamericana acaba de obtener una doble victoria.
Mr President, President-in-Office of the Council, President of the Commission, the American hyperpower has just scored a double victory.