
"grated" in Spanish

"grated" in Spanish
to grate{intransitive verb}
rallado{adj. m}
Add the grated Parmigiano and serve.
Agregar el parmesano rallado y servir.
grated cheese
queso rallado
For the Parmigiano fondue: boil the cream in a saucepan then add the grated Parmigiano followed by salt and pepper as needed and blend with a hand blender.
Para la fondue de parmesano: hervir en un pequeño cazo la nata y añadir el parmesano rallado, luego agregar sal y pimienta (a gusto) y mezclar con batidora.
Firstly, an additive called sodium alginate is proposed for use on grated carrots.
En primer lugar se propone utilizar un aditivo, llamado alginato de sodio, para las zanahorias ralladas.
Add the grated Parmigiano and serve.
Agregar el parmesano rallado y servir.
For the Parmigiano fondue: boil the cream in a saucepan then add the grated Parmigiano followed by salt and pepper as needed and blend with a hand blender.
Para la fondue de parmesano: hervir en un pequeño cazo la nata y añadir el parmesano rallado, luego agregar sal y pimienta (a gusto) y mezclar con batidora.
to grate[grated · grated] {intransitive verb}
The bilateral agreement therefore grated unpleasantly with the prospect of an agreement with the Union.
Por tanto, el acuerdo bilateral chirría desagradablemente ante la perspectiva de un acuerdo con la Unión.

Synonyms (English) for "grate":
Context examples for "grated" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
the chalk grated against the blackboard
la tiza chirrió en la pizarra
she grated her nails on the blackboard
rascó la pizarra con las uñas
add the grated zest of one lemon
agregue la ralladura de un limón
It grated on the ear to hear him say that the idea behind the European Ombudsman was to promote the concept of European citizenship.
Hacía daño al oído escucharle declarar que «la idea que subyace a la creación del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo es fomentar la ciudadanía europea».
It grated on the ear to hear him say that the idea behind the European Ombudsman was to promote the concept of European citizenship.
Hacía daño al oído escucharle declarar que« la idea que subyace a la creación del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo es fomentar la ciudadanía europea».
grated lemon rind
ralladura de limón
grated cheese
queso rallado