
"furibundo" in English

"furibundo" in English
fierce{adj.} (glance, tone)
rabid{adj.} (fascist, socialist)
Expresamos nuestra solidaridad con Cuba, país que defiende y construye el socialismo, a pesar de los furibundos esfuerzos del imperialismo por derribarlo.
We express our solidarity with Cuba, which defends and builds socialism, despite the rabid attempts of the imperialists to overturn it.
Bangemann, a quien las cuotas le ponían tan furibundo, tampoco está presente.
Mr Bangemann, so furious over the quotas, is not here either.
está furibundo por lo de ayer
he's absolutely furious about yesterday
Esperemos que la Presidencia logre proteger nuestra agricultura en las conversaciones de la OMC, donde es objeto de furibundos ataques.
Hopefully, the Presidency will succeed in protecting our agriculture at WTO talks, where it is the object of furious attack.
livid{adj.} [coll.] (furious)
estar furibundo con algn
to be livid with sb
Bangemann, a quien las cuotas le ponían tan furibundo, tampoco está presente.
Mr Bangemann, so furious over the quotas, is not here either.
está furibundo por lo de ayer
he's absolutely furious about yesterday
Esperemos que la Presidencia logre proteger nuestra agricultura en las conversaciones de la OMC, donde es objeto de furibundos ataques.
Hopefully, the Presidency will succeed in protecting our agriculture at WTO talks, where it is the object of furious attack.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "furibundo":
Context examples for "furibundo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Quiero decirles que nada aconseja en este momento hacer un llamamiento al optimismo furibundo.
I would like to say that it is not advisable at the moment to appeal for frenzied optimism.
está furibundo por lo de ayer
he's absolutely furious about yesterday
está furibundo por lo de ayer
he's absolutely fuming about yesterday
estar furibundo con algn
to be livid with sb
El Parlamento no ha sido nunca un partidario furibundo de los retrasos, y ahora tropieza con un problema paradójico de Marín y con una paradoja presentada por Marín a Tomlinson.
Parliament is not in a great mood for procrastination. So there is a paradoxical problem of Marín, but there is a paradox that you present for Tomlinson.