
"feasibly" in Spanish

"feasibly" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "feasibly":
Context examples for "feasibly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
On transport, we wanted to start with large, fixed-point installations, whose emissions can be feasibly monitored.
En cuanto al transporte, queríamos empezar con instalaciones de gran tamaño y fijas, cuyas emisiones pueden controlarse fácilmente.
Simplification must mean more than a neat and tidy system in Brussels which cannot be feasibly applied at Member State level.
Simplificación debe significar algo más que un sistema claro y ordenado de Bruselas que no sea viable a nivel del Estado miembro.
In any case we want to avoid the addition of any further criteria which the Commission could not, frankly, feasibly meet in time for the second reading in this House.
En cualquier caso, queremos evitar añadir ningún criterio más que, sinceramente, la Comisión no pueda viablemente cumplir a tiempo para la segunda lectura en esta Cámara.