
"every two months" in Spanish

"every two months" in Spanish

Similar translations for "every two months" in Spanish
Context examples for "every two months" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
However, I refuse to pillory China every two months, quite simply because that will not make it give in.
No obstante, me niego a poner en evidencia a China cada dos meses, simplemente porque no se va a lograr que ceda.
Two further trials compared different treatment regimens: standard versus delayed light application; retreatment every two months versus every three months.
Algunos resultados del ensayo VIM más reciente pudieron ser incluidos en el metanálisis, pero no han modificado en gran medida los resultados.
The Eurobarometer, Mr President, tells us every day, every month, or every two months, or every time we ask it, what the Members of this Parliament want.
El Eurobarómetro, señor Presidente, nos dice todos los días, todos los meses, o cada dos meses, pero nos lo dice siempre que se lo preguntamos, lo que sus Señorías quieren.
Mr President, we have talked in this Chamber about what is happening in Belarus on average once every two months since the beginning of the year - this is now the third time.
Señor Presidente, hemos hablado en esta Cámara sobre lo que ocurre en Belarús con un promedio de una vez cada dos meses desde principios de año (esta es la tercera vez que ocurre).