
"espionage" in Spanish

"espionage" in Spanish
To that extent most of the services engage in espionage in the economic domain.
La mayor parte de los servicios practican el espionaje económico en este sentido.
They have been arrested by the Greek authorities on charges of espionage.
Han sido detenidos por las autoridades griegas acusados de espionaje.
Industrial espionage is certainly not a legitimate reason for intercepting communications.
El espionaje económico no es, desde luego, un objetivo admisible.

Context examples for "espionage" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
she was convicted on eight charges of espionage
fue declarada culpable de ocho acusaciones de espionaje
The practice of fundamental rights such as expressing one ’ s opinion can even be loosely interpreted as espionage on the basis of specific law on national security.
Un Estado de derecho necesita leyes claras y precisas que garanticen igualdad y seguridad legal para todo el mundo.
Indeed, he is being tried for espionage, though he has done a genuinely valuable service for his country and has supplied the essential information for the work we are doing.
Se le condena como espía a pesar de que ha realizado a ese país un servicio realmente valioso y de que ha proporcionado bases para nuestro trabajo.