
"engañada" in English

"engañada" in English
engañada{adjective feminine}
engañada{adjective feminine}

Context examples for "engañada" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Me siento engañada por la Sra. Çiller en mi creencia en una Turquía de corte europeo.
I feel that Mrs Çiller has disappointed my hopes of a Europeoriented Turkey.
Ya antes hemos visto cómo se ha engañado a la ciudadanía, engañada sobre los referendos y sobre la democracia.
We have seen before how people have been deceived - deceived over referendums and deceived over democracy.
¿Cómo piensan evitar que la gente sea engañada por negociantes malvados que apliquen una conversión errónea?
How do you propose to prevent racketeers from cheating people with their own particular forms of currency exchange?
creía que me quería pero estaba engañada
I thought he loved me, but I was deceived
la tuvo engañada mucho tiempo
he was cheating on her for a long time
La opinión ha sido engañada.
The public has been misled.
Espero que la industria, que a menudo habla de menos y mejores normas, no se sienta engañada por estas reformas tan radicales.
Let us hope that industry - which frequently calls for less, but better regulation - does not feel put out by the radical nature of the changes we have made.
Señora Presidenta, la Unión sigue siendo engañada por defraudadores profesionales, a lo que contribuye lamentablemente un sistema del IVA demasiado complejo.
Madam President, the EU is continuing to be taken for a ride by professional fraudsters, a situation which is, regrettably, a beneficiary of the excessively complex VAT system.