
"en cooperativa" in English

"en cooperativa" in English

Similar translations for "en cooperativa" in English
at- in- into- on- on- on- on- with- as- by
Context examples for "en cooperativa" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Si logramos que Turquía sea más abierta y cooperativa en el caso de Chipre, será una evolución muy positiva.
If we could manage to make Turkey more open and more cooperative on the Cyprus question, that would be a very positive development.
Garantiza los derechos a la información, consulta y participación de los trabajadores en una sociedad cooperativa europea (SCE).
It ensures the rights of information, consultation and participation of employees in a European cooperative society (SCE).
El Parlamento se manifestó a favor del Estatuto de la Sociedad Cooperativa Europea en su primera lectura, el 20 de enero de 1993.
Parliament expressed its approval for the Statute for a European Cooperative Society at first reading, which was on 20 January 1993.
Wijsenbeek por la forma cooperativa en que ha elaborado su informe.
But if I limit myself to the citizens' network I would like to thank Mr Wijsenbeek for his cooperation on his report.
Wijsenbeek por la forma cooperativa en que ha elaborado su informe.
But if I limit myself to the citizens ' network I would like to thank Mr Wijsenbeek for his cooperation on his report.
Fischbach, Presidente en ejercicio del Consejo, por su actitud sumamente cooperativa en los debates que hemos sostenido.
I also thank Mr Fischbach, President-in-Office of the Council, for his very cooperative approach to the discussions we have had.
Por tanto, no podemos bajar la guardia y espero que el Consejo adopte la misma actitud cooperativa en las negociaciones sobre futuros temas.
Therefore, we must not drop our guard and I hope that the Council will take the same cooperative attitude in negotiations on future issues.
Señor Presidente, mi mujer y yo hemos tenido el privilegio de tener a nuestros tres hijos en una cooperativa para padres en mi pueblo natal, Dalarna.
Mr President, my wife and I have had the privilege of having our three children in a parents' cooperative in my home town in Dalarna.
Señor Presidente, mi mujer y yo hemos tenido el privilegio de tener a nuestros tres hijos en una cooperativa para padres en mi pueblo natal, Dalarna.
Mr President, my wife and I have had the privilege of having our three children in a parents ' cooperative in my home town in Dalarna.
Entonces nadie podía prever de forma seria que aquellas comunidades europeas crecerían para convertirse en una cooperativa de 27 o más estados europeos.
Nobody could then seriously foresee that these European communities would grow into an overarching cooperative of 27 or more European states.
Mulder por la forma colegiada y cooperativa en que ha trabajado con otras comisiones, y a la Sra.
Mr President, I should like to congratulate Mr Mulder for the very collegiate and cooperative way in which he has worked with other committees, and Mrs Gill for the same reason.
Señor Presidente, en primer lugar, en nombre de mi Grupo, me gustaría dar las gracias al señor Balz por la forma cooperativa en que se produjeron nuestras deliberaciones.
Mr President, firstly, on behalf of my group, may I express my thanks to Mr Balz for the cooperative manner in which our deliberations were conducted.
Mulder por la forma colegiada y cooperativa en que ha trabajado con otras comisiones, y a la Sra.
. Mr President, I should like to congratulate Mr Mulder for the very collegiate and cooperative way in which he has worked with other committees, and Mrs Gill for the same reason.
. – Señor Presidente, en primer lugar quiero unirme a quienes han felicitado al señor Trakatellis por su trabajo y por la forma abierta y cooperativa en que ha elaborado este informe.
Mr President, firstly I want to join those who are congratulating Mr Trakatellis for his work and for the open and cooperative way in which he has conducted the drafting of this report.
. – Señor Presidente, en primer lugar quiero unirme a quienes han felicitado al señor Trakatellis por su trabajo y por la forma abierta y cooperativa en que ha elaborado este informe.
. Mr President, firstly I want to join those who are congratulating Mr Trakatellis for his work and for the open and cooperative way in which he has conducted the drafting of this report.