
"emperador" in English

"emperador" in English
¿No ven que el emperador está desnudo y que deben descartar esta propuesta?
Can you see that the emperor has no clothes and scrap this proposal?
Más tarde fue enviado por el Emperador y el Patriarca a realizar una misión ante los sarracenos.
Later on he was sent by the emperor and the Patriarch on a mission to the Saracens.
Para hacer un símil literario, no es del todo correcto afirmar que el emperador estaba desnudo.
From a literary point of view it is not totally correct to say that the emperor was naked.

Context examples for "emperador" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En el mundo ideal del emperador así es como funcionan las cosas.
Another positive development is that there will be a Peacebuilding Commission.
la figura del emperador era intocable
the emperor was a sacred figure
se postró ante el emperador
he fell prostrate before the emperor
Creo que bastantes diputados de esta Cámara proclamarían a voz en grito en el Pleno que han visto al emperador totalmente desnudo.
I do think that there are enough Members of this House, who, on finding the king totally naked, would say so out loud in the plenary.
Wijkman al cuento de Hans Christian Andersen, El traje nuevo del emperador.
Mr President, I would like right away to enlarge on Mr Wijkman's analogy with Hans Christian Andersen's story of the king's new clothes.
lo proclamaron emperador
they proclaimed him emperor
Opus 73, El Emperador
Opus 73, the Emperor