
"easterly" in Spanish

del este{adj.}
light easterly winds
vientos flojos del Este
This is no accident, as the European Union, with its increasing dependency, has a notable portion of energy imports coming via its easterly neighbour.
No se trata de una casualidad, pues la Unión Europea, con una dependencia cada vez mayor, importa una gran parte de la energía de los países del Este.
Easter is not only for Jesus but also for the world.
La Pascua de Jesús también es la Pascua del mundo.
passage, our own personal Easter experience, when Christ, by virtue of his
tránsito, de la pascua existencial, cuando Cristo, gracias a su
It is likely that the Polynesian populated Easter Island.
Los Polinesios poblaron muy probablemente la isla de Pascua.
we're thinking of going to London for Easter
por Semana Santa pensamos ir a Londres
it happened somewhere around Easter
sucedió alrededor de Semana Santa
he's staying with us over Easter
va a pasar la Semana Santa con nosotros
the Easter Vigil, from which they draw their full meaning.
singular durante la Vigilia pascual, en cuyo contexto cobran la plenitud
In this Easter season, which celebrates Christ's victory
En este tiempo pascual, que celebra la
marvellous symphony of the Readings of the Easter Vigil.
acordes con la admirable sinfonía de las lecturas de la Vigilia pascual.

Synonyms (English) for "easterly":
Context examples for "easterly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The European project must also be completed in a south-easterly direction.
El proyecto europeo también ha de completarse hacia el sudeste.
they were heading in an easterly direction
iban en dirección este
the winds will be easterly
soplarán vientos de levante
As far as our easterly neighbours Ukraine and Moldova are concerned, we think that now is not the right time to discuss their accession.
Por lo que respecta a nuestros vecinos orientales, Ucrania y Moldova, pensamos que ahora no es el momento adecuado de debatir su adhesión.
light easterly winds
vientos flojos del Este
This is no accident, as the European Union, with its increasing dependency, has a notable portion of energy imports coming via its easterly neighbour.
No se trata de una casualidad, pues la Unión Europea, con una dependencia cada vez mayor, importa una gran parte de la energía de los países del Este.
Situated on the far end of the Aleutians, Semisopochnoi Island is simultaneously the most easterly and westerly point of the United States of America.
Situada al final de las islas Aleutianas, la isla Semisopochnoi constituye al mismo tiempo el punto más occidental y oriental de los Estados Unidos de América.