
"dramaturgo" in English

"dramaturgo" in English
el dramaturgo da vida a sus personajes
the dramatist makes his characters live
(EN) Hoy conmemoramos el aniversario del más grande de los ingleses y quizá el mayor dramaturgo y escritor que haya producido la humanidad.
Today we mark the anniversary of the greatest of all Englishmen and perhaps the greatest dramatist and writer mankind has produced.
Hace poco vi una nueva interpretación del admirable dramaturgo irlandés Frank McGuinness de Hécuba, de Eurípides.
I recently saw a new interpretation by that admirable Irish playwright, Frank McGuinness, of Hecuba by Euripides.
un dramaturgo empapado del teatro griego clásico
a playwright steeped in classical Greek theater
Señora Presidenta, el personaje de Joxer, creado por el gran dramaturgo irlandés Sean O'Casey, observaba el mundo como "en un estado de caos".
Madam President, the Joxer character created by the great Irish playwright, Sean O'Casey, observed the whole world as 'in a state of chassis'.

Context examples for "dramaturgo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
un dramaturgo empapado del teatro griego clásico
a playwright steeped in classical Greek theater
Entre los rumanos célebres figuran el dramaturgo Eugen Ionesco, la gimnasta Nadia Comăneci y compositor George Enesco.
Less notorious Romanians include the writer Eugene Ionesco, the gymnast Nadia Comăneci and the composer George Enescu.
Hace poco vi una nueva interpretación del admirable dramaturgo irlandés Frank McGuinness de Hécuba, de Eurípides.
As I approach the end of my term as a Commissioner – I underline ‘ as a Commissioner’ – I have started going to the theatre again.
el dramaturgo da vida a sus personajes
the dramatist makes his characters live