
"desligada" in English

"desligada" in English
desligada{adjective feminine}
desligada{adjective feminine}

Context examples for "desligada" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Una policía reforzada y centralizada, desligada de su entorno, buscará sus prioridades particulares.
An enlarged and centralised police force, disconnected from its surroundings, will look for its own priorities.
Sin duda, la PEV debe estar desligada de los nombres de los países y es necesario introducir conceptos y criterios.
In this regard, I should like to turn to one aspect of the neighbourhood policy to which we have yet to pay sufficient attention, namely regional cooperation.
Su dimisión es a la vez un signo de crisis y del fracaso de una construcción europea desligada de los ciudadanos, ignorante de lo social y despreciativa de la democracia.
Its resignation is a sign of crisis and indicates the failure of a Europe cut off from its citizens, turning its back on social needs and thumbing its nose at democracy.
¿Se desea incluir seriamente una norma de este tipo, vinculada de manera rígida a una periodicidad decenal y totalmente desligada del posible marco de condiciones y exigencias políticas?
Is a rule of this sort really what is wanted, something that is rigidly fixed to a ten-year cycle and utterly divorced from potential political frameworks and requirements?
Y, en esa gestión, la formulación de las orientaciones sería plena y desligada de un debate conjunto y abarcaría la casi totalidad de las vertientes hoy pertenecientes a la Política Pesquera Común.
Under this management, guidelines would be regarded as definitive and not subject to joint discussion, and they would cover nearly all the aspects currently falling under the common fisheries policy.