
"desescombrar" in English

"desescombrar" in English

Synonyms (Spanish) for "desescombrar":
Context examples for "desescombrar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No se ve ninguna actividad de excavadoras de obras públicas para desescombrar todos esos lugares cubiertos de ruina.
You do not see any activity or bulldozers of the public works to clear all these sites covered with ruins.
desescombrar un solar
to clear a site of rubble
Las montañas de escombro fueron transportadas en camiones enviados por el Municipio, el trabajo lo realizaron algunos jóvenes que la USAID paga y alimenta para desescombrar la ciudad.
The mounds of debris were loaded on trucks sent by the city with the help of some young men who are paid and maintained by USAID to remove this litter from the city.