
"decapitado" in English

"decapitado" in English
decapitado{past participle}
decapitado{past participle}
De camino a casa, fue atacado por diez extremistas musulmanes armados, y posteriormente decapitado.
On his way home, he was attacked by ten armed Muslim extremists and subsequently beheaded.
De camino a casa, fue atacado por diez extremistas musulmanes armados, y posteriormente decapitado.
On his way home, he was attacked by ten armed Muslim extremists and subsequently beheaded.
Los métodos eran igual de salvajes: quemar a personas vivas, abrir el vientre de mujeres embarazadas, decapitar a niños con hachas.
The methods were equally savage: burning alive, cutting open pregnant women's stomachs, beheading children with axes.
Cada día trae nuevas masacres como la de los treinta y tres aldeanos decapitados a los que se refería el Sr. Patijn.
Every day brings new massacres like the thirty-three villagers beheaded to which Mr Patijn referred.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "decapitado":
Context examples for "decapitado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
De camino a casa, fue atacado por diez extremistas musulmanes armados, y posteriormente decapitado.
On his way home, he was attacked by ten armed Muslim extremists and subsequently beheaded.
lo condenaron a ser decapitado
he was sent to the block