
"beheaded" in Spanish

"beheaded" in Spanish
beheaded{past participle}
to behead{transitive verb}
beheaded{past participle}
On his way home, he was attacked by ten armed Muslim extremists and subsequently beheaded.
De camino a casa, fue atacado por diez extremistas musulmanes armados, y posteriormente decapitado.
to behead[beheaded · beheaded] {transitive verb}
On his way home, he was attacked by ten armed Muslim extremists and subsequently beheaded.
De camino a casa, fue atacado por diez extremistas musulmanes armados, y posteriormente decapitado.
The methods were equally savage: burning alive, cutting open pregnant women's stomachs, beheading children with axes.
Los métodos eran igual de salvajes: quemar a personas vivas, abrir el vientre de mujeres embarazadas, decapitar a niños con hachas.
Every day brings new massacres like the thirty-three villagers beheaded to which Mr Patijn referred.
Cada día trae nuevas masacres como la de los treinta y tres aldeanos decapitados a los que se refería el Sr. Patijn.

Synonyms (English) for "beheaded":
Context examples for "beheaded" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
On his way home, he was attacked by ten armed Muslim extremists and subsequently beheaded.
Al mismo tiempo, me opongo rotundamente a las enmiendas que se han presentado para suavizar esta propuesta de resolución tan poco ambigüa.
to run around like a beheaded chicken
andar como trompo chillador