
"creditworthiness" in Spanish

However, the ability to monitor creditworthiness would be made more difficult.
Sin embargo, la capacidad para supervisar la solvencia sería más difícil.
Of course, creditworthiness is based on earnings, whether you are an employee, a company or a bank.
Evidentemente, la solvencia se basa en los ingresos, ya sea uno un trabajador, una empresa o un banco.
They therefore also suffer from a lack of liquidity and with that, lose their creditworthiness.
Por tanto también experimentan una falta de liquidez y, debido a esto, pierden su solvencia.
As the EIB has a high degree of creditworthiness, it can acquire cheap capital from the markets and target it at those areas the EU considers necessary.
Dada su alta capacidad de crédito, puede reunir los capitales del mercado de forma rentable y dirigirlos hacia aquellos objetivos que la UE considere necesarios.

Context examples for "creditworthiness" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Competitive interest rates will be offered to customers, determined by the market conditions, transaction size, and customer creditworthiness.
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As the EIB has a high degree of creditworthiness, it can acquire cheap capital from the markets and target it at those areas the EU considers necessary.
Dada su alta capacidad de crédito, puede reunir los capitales del mercado de forma rentable y dirigirlos hacia aquellos objetivos que la UE considere necesarios.
Indeed, if you were to go to a high street and make multiple applications for shop credit cards on the same day, that could lower your credit-worthiness.
Desde luego, si alguien se dirige a una calle principal y hace múltiples solicitudes de tarjetas de crédito de establecimientos el mismo día, ello podría mermar su merecimiento de crédito.
I am, of course, also interested in the expected consequences of the proceedings and in the consequences of a member of the euro area having a bad creditworthiness rating.
Me interesan también, por supuesto, las consecuencias que se esperan del procedimiento y las del hecho de que un miembro de la zona euro reciba una mala calificación crediticia.
It is concerned with people from certain social groups who do not have the creditworthiness required by commercial banks but would like to start up in business.
Está relacionado con las personas de determinados grupos sociales que no tienen la clasificación crediticia requerida por las entidades bancarias comerciales, pero que quieren emprender un negocio.