
"cooperante" in English

No sabría a qué partido votar, me ha dicho esta mañana un cooperante neerlandés refiriéndose a las elecciones de finales de este mes.
Only this morning, a Dutch aid worker over there told me that he would not know which party he would vote for in the general elections at the end of this month.
Pero debo decirle que como cooperante para el desarrollo que ha trabajado mucho tiempo en lugares pobres de este mundo, esta no es la perspectiva que me parece adecuada.
But as an aid worker who has worked long enough in the shanty towns of this world, I have to tell you that this sort of solution is certainly not one that springs to my mind.
También quiero expresar el horror que me producen los persistentes ataques y los secuestros que tienen lugar en Iraq, el último de los cuales ha sido el asesinato de la cooperante Margaret Hassan.
I would also like to express my abhorrence in respect of the persistent attacks and hostage takings in Iraq, the recent low being the killing of aid worker Margaret Hassan.

Context examples for "cooperante" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En un periodo como este, la Comisión de Presupuestos procurará adoptar una actitud cooperante.
In a period such as this, the Committee on Budgets will seek to adopt a cooperative attitude.
No sabría a qué partido votar, me ha dicho esta mañana un cooperante neerlandés refiriéndose a las elecciones de finales de este mes.
Only this morning, a Dutch aid worker over there told me that he would not know which party he would vote for in the general elections at the end of this month.
Pero debo decirle que como cooperante para el desarrollo que ha trabajado mucho tiempo en lugares pobres de este mundo, esta no es la perspectiva que me parece adecuada.
But as an aid worker who has worked long enough in the shanty towns of this world, I have to tell you that this sort of solution is certainly not one that springs to my mind.
También quiero expresar el horror que me producen los persistentes ataques y los secuestros que tienen lugar en Iraq, el último de los cuales ha sido el asesinato de la cooperante Margaret Hassan.
I would also like to express my abhorrence in respect of the persistent attacks and hostage takings in Iraq, the recent low being the killing of aid worker Margaret Hassan.