
"contigo" in English

"contigo" in English
with you{pron.}
a la comunión contigo, por habernos hecho una comunidad única
communion with you, for having made us one community around you, for allowing us
Nuestros pensamientos están contigo/con usted y con tu/su familia en estos momentos tan difíciles.
Our thoughts are with you and your family at this most difficult time of loss.
La información recopilada no se usará para identificarte ni ponerse en contacto contigo.
The information collected will not be used to identify or contact you.

Context examples for "contigo" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Jesucristo, tu Hijo, que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Espíritu
conclude every prayer: "Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives
querrían que fueras suave [con ellos], y entonces ellos serían suaves [contigo].
They desire that you should be pliant (or compromise) so they too would be pliant (compromise).
Ve a cualquier sitio web donde un amigo pueda haber compartido una página contigo.
Go to any website where someone might have shared a page with you.
La información recopilada no se usará para identificarte ni ponerse en contacto contigo.
The information collected will not be used to identify or contact you.
quiere hablar contigo, se trata de algo relacionado con la reunión de mañana
she wants to see you, it's something to do with tomorrow's meeting
a la comunión contigo, por habernos hecho una comunidad única
communion with you, for having made us one community around you, for allowing us
Nuestros pensamientos están contigo/con usted y con tu/su familia en estos momentos tan difíciles.
Our thoughts are with you and your family at this most difficult time of loss.
Ciertamente, he de llenar el infierno contigo y con los que te sigan, todos juntos!
That I will most certainly fill hell with you and with those among them who follow you, every one.
¿Tienes la sensación de que muchas decisiones se adoptan sin contar contigo?
Do you feel that decisions are being made without your input?
Sin embargo, el libro " El mejor Karksson del mundo " creo que quedará escrito contigo en la memoria.
I think that the children's book, 'Karlsson-on-the-Roof ' was written with you in mind.
Fotos: muestra solo las fotos que tus amigos han compartido contigo.
Photos—Only shows photos that your friends have shared with you
“Mi presencia irá contigo y te daré descanso” (Exodo 33:14).
“My presence will go with you and I will give you rest” (Exodus 33:14).
R-10: Debes llevar contigo dos documentos de identificación personal al centro de examinación.
A-10: You must bring two forms of personal identification with you to the exam testing center.
Alguien dijo que uno no debe encariñarse con los bancos porque éstos jamás se encariñarán contigo.
Somebody said that one should not grow fond of banks because they will never grow fond of you.
Estaré contigo en el voto de mañana y creo que llegaremos a buen puerto con este informe.
I will be with you in the vote tomorrow, and I believe that we will bring this to a satisfactory conclusion.
Sólo por la gracia de tu Sustentador [estás a salvo]: ¡ciertamente, Su favor para contigo es grande en verdad!
Unless by a mercy from your Lord, verily, His grace towards you is great.
No es una buena estrategia tachar a quienes no están de acuerdo contigo de traidores o marionetas.
It is not a good strategy to portray those who disagree with you as selling out or as being puppets.
Por ejemplo, para buscar una imagen que Francisco haya subido y compartido contigo, escribe "owner:Francisco".
For example, to find an image that Frank uploaded and shared with you, type "owner:Frank."
todavía estoy contigo! » (139 [138], 17-18).
reason to attain correctly what it seeks to know and to place it within the
Las colecciones que otros usuarios compartan contigo aparecen en el panel principal de tu lista de documentos.
Only collections shared directly to your email will appear here.