
"constructivamente" in English

"constructivamente" in English
constructivamente{adjective feminine}
constructivamente{adjective feminine}
El grupo PPE está dispuesto a colaborar constructivamente con los otros grupos parlamentarios.
The PPE is prepared to engage in constructive cooperation with the other groups.
Creo que se ha discutido muy constructivamente sobre este paquete de precios.
I think the price package has been discussed in a very constructive spirit.
Ha llegado el momento de comprometerse constructivamente con las fuerzas democráticas en Cuba.
The time has come for constructive engagement with the democratic forces in Cuba.
El Consejo está dispuesto a actuar tan rápida y constructivamente como sea posible.
The Council is prepared to act as swiftly and as constructively as possible.
Belgrado también ha de trabajar constructivamente para resolver la cuestión.
Belgrade also needs to work constructively to settle the issue.
Estamos dispuestos a una comprometernos constructivamente, e Irán lo sabe.
We are ready to engage constructively, and Iran knows that.

Context examples for "constructivamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Belgrado también ha de trabajar constructivamente para resolver la cuestión.
It will give a clear signal to the leaders and people of Kosovo that the EU is fully committed to their European future.
Seguiremos aprovechando todas las oportunidades para contribuir constructivamente a ese proceso.
Although there appears to have been an improvement in the security situation, a culture of impunity remains.
Negociamos muy constructivamente.
Of course, we must also be prepared to make further concessions.
Esperamos, por eso, de todo corazón, su ayuda, su diálogo y poder trabajar constructivamente en los próximos meses.
Commissioner, the Members in the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs believe that these two things are compatible.
La determinación de los países candidatos a resolver esos problemas y trabajar constructivamente ha permitido realizar un progreso increíble.
The determination of the candidate countries to overcome these problems and work positively has resulted in incredible progress.
El Consejo desea trabajar constructivamente con el Parlamento y la Comisión para avanzar en relación con este importante expediente.
The President of the Commission will brief Coreper tomorrow, and on 23 February there will be a first discussion by ministers at the General Affairs and External Relations Council.