
"constitutive" in Spanish

"constitutive" in Spanish
The constitutive principle of the ministerial priesthood is
El principio constitutivo del sacerdocio ministerial es
element constitutive to a vocation, particularly a ministerial vocation:
constitutivo de la vocación y particularmente de la vocación
will of Christ, and to respect the constitutive form which he indelibly
de ser obedientes a la voluntad de Cristo, respetando la forma constitutiva que
constitutiva{adj. f}
will of Christ, and to respect the constitutive form which he indelibly
de ser obedientes a la voluntad de Cristo, respetando la forma constitutiva que
Human rights are our constitutive, if not our most important task as a European Community.
Los derechos humanos son nuestra tarea constitutiva, si no nuestra tarea más importante como Comunidad Europea.
But there will be a constitutive session in January and so there is no ethical or legal problem at stake.
Simplemente, como va a haber una sesión constitutiva en enero, no se plantea el problema en el plano ético, como tampoco en el jurídico.

Synonyms (English) for "constitutive":
Context examples for "constitutive" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
constitutive element of marriage is to maintain that since irrevocable, mutual
matrimonio es sostener que de no haber existido aquella mutua entrega
rediscovered the charismatic dimension as one of her constitutive
la Iglesia redescubrió que la dimensión carismática
The issue that we are dealing with during this constitutive session is an extremely serious one: that of the dioxin crisis.
El tema que abordamos en el curso de este período de sesiones es grave: el de la crisis de la dioxina.
In the view of the Commission, it is a good compromise, as what we have here is both a constitutive instrument and an effective working instrument.
A juicio de la Comisión, constituye una buena transacción en la medida en que representa, al mismo tiempo, un acto fundacional y un instrumento eficaz de trabajo.
The latter formula would make it possible to make the text binding in nature while, for the moment, avoiding a debate on the constitutive character of the preamble option.
Esta última fórmula permite dotar al texto de una fuerza vinculante, evitando de momento el debate sobre el carácter constituyente de la fórmula del preámbulo.
At the root of these presuppositions is the more or less obvious influence of currents of thought which end by detaching human freedom from its essential and constitutive relationship to truth.
encuentra el influjo, más o menos velado, de corrientes de pensamiento que terminan por erradicar la libertad humana de su relación esencial y
If the citizens of Europe want a constitution, there must be a constitutive process based on democracy, social rights, public services and the general interest.
Si los ciudadanos de Europa desean una Constitución, es necesario un proceso constituyente basado en la democracia, los derechos sociales, los servicios públicos y el interés general.
Furthermore, this will be carried out by finding fault with the Convention, which was the nearest thing to a constitutive assembly and which in every way better represented the citizens.
Y ello se llevará a cabo enmendando la plana a la Convención, que fue lo más parecido a una asamblea constituyente que, en todo caso, representaba mejor a los ciudadanos.