
"concursal" in English

"concursal" in English
bankruptcy{adj.} [law]
Un empresario que no puede hacer frente a sus deudas forma correcta, "regular", está obligado a seguir el proceso establecido en la Ley Concursal.
The Bankruptcy Law establishes the only two bodies required in the bankruptcy procedure: the bankruptcy judge and the bankruptcy administration.
Señora Presidenta, Señorías, he de empezar señalando que la Comisión no tiene ninguna responsabilidad directa sobre la legislación concursal.
Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, I must begin by pointing out that the Commission has no direct responsibility where the law on bankruptcy is concerned.

Context examples for "concursal" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
De hecho contribuyó a aumentar los esfuerzos en toda Europa a favor de la reforma de la legislación concursal.
It did indeed help to step up efforts across Europe towards the reform of insolvency law.
Nombra, supervisa, cesa la administración concursal. Dirime todas las controversias que puedan surgir entre las partes.
In this case the employer must prove insolvency or imminent insolvency.
De hecho contribuyó a aumentar los esfuerzos en toda Europa a favor de la reforma de la legislación concursal.
The outcomes of this project were presented in a report intended to support the trend in European policymaking towards changes in the legal framework of insolvency legislation.
Durante la liquidación el deudor deja temporalmente de administrar la empresa y es sustituido en la gestión por la administración concursal.
In order for the judge to begin processing the arrangement proposal, it must be signed by a number of creditors representing credit totalling at least one fifth of the debtor's liabilities.
Los resultados de este proyecto se presentaron en un informe destinado a apoyar la tendencia de las políticas europeas a favorecer un cambio del marco jurídico de la legislación concursal.
The outcomes of this project were presented in a report intended to support the trend in European policymaking towards changes in the legal framework of insolvency legislation.