
"conciliable" in English

"conciliable" in English
conciliable{adjective masculine/feminine}
conciliable{adjective masculine/feminine}
Debemos ocuparnos de ello, pero debemos tener asimismo en cuenta el conjunto de los objetivos, y no siempre son conciliables de la misma forma.
We must concern ourselves with this; but we must also concern ourselves with the general objectives, which are not always or not all equally reconcilable.

Context examples for "conciliable" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Yo le pregunto, señor Comisario: en su opinión¿es esta intervención conciliable con el Derecho Internacional?
I should like to ask, Commissioner, whether you consider such an intervention to be compatible with international law.
Yo le pregunto, señor Comisario: en su opinión ¿es esta intervención conciliable con el Derecho Internacional?
I should like to ask, Commissioner, whether you consider such an intervention to be compatible with international law.
La directiva de 1978 era vaga y ambigua, y en este sentido difícilmente conciliable con los principios del mercado interior.
The 1978 directive was vague and ambiguous, and therefore difficult to reconcile with the principles of the internal market.
Los servicios nos dijeron que esto no era conciliable y, por esta razón, firmamos un acuerdo transaccional en el que no aparecen los parágrafos 16 y 17.
The services told us that these were incompatible and therefore we signed a compromise in which paragraphs 16 and 17 did not appear.
Es preciso que los Estados miembros afronten esa cuestión desde una perspectiva europea, perfectamente conciliable, por lo demás, con los compromisos en el marco de la OTAN.
The Member States must address this issue from a European perspective which can be fully reconciled with NATO commitments.
Nuestra Asamblea debe instar al Gobierno turco a que respete la decisión del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos, la cual no es conciliable con el ajusticiamiento de Ocalan.
This House should call on Turkey to comply with the judgement of the European Court of Human Rights, which is incompatible with the execution of Öçalan.